Things to Consider When Building or Remodelling a Deck

Decking is a great way to increase your home’s liveable space. But before you get started, there are some important things to consider.

The style of the deck, its material, and its durability all play a role in how well it will stand up to weather and use. You’ll also want to select materials that meet current building codes.


Your deck is an important part of your outdoor space, and choosing the right style for your home can make all the difference in how you enjoy it, whether building or remodelling, a great style can make the deck an even more inviting spot to spend time with friends and family.

decking AdelaideChoosing the right style for your deck requires considering several factors, including where you want to place it and what materials you’d like to use. The material you choose can significantly impact how long your deck lasts and how much maintenance it requires.

Modified wood, made from repurposed wood scraps and plastic materials, is an alternative to traditional wood that’s also more durable and easier to clean. Modified wood is available in various styles, so it’s easy to find something that suits your tastes and preferences.

A simple stonework pattern is common in modern-style decks, and you’ll also find a lot of natural elements in rustic designs. These styles are best for homes with a simple, clean aesthetic and a neutral colour palette.

You’ll also want to consider lighting for your deck. You can add a floodlight to protect your patio from the sun or opt for a canopy with string lights underneath that will soften the atmosphere and give you more time to relax on your deck.


The material used for your decking is a major factor in determining your outdoor space’s look, durability, and maintenance. It will also affect the cost of your deck, so it is important to consider all the options and decide what works best for you.

Most home owners opt for wood, a natural, low-maintenance option that can be shaped to create any shape you can imagine. You can choose from a variety of species, including cedar and redwood. These are the most common and have a classic appearance that goes with nearly any home style.

Another popular material is pressure-treated lumber, which has been permeated with chemicals that deter rot and insects. This type of decking is easier to find and work with than natural wood, but you must be careful when cutting or sanding it to avoid inhaling the chemicals. Using stainless steel fasteners for maximum strength is also a good idea.

Composite decking has become more popular over the years as a high-performance alternative to traditional wood. It combines a blend of wood fibres with recycled polyethylene plastic to create long, dense boards that won’t splinter or warp. They don’t require staining or painting and are resistant to mould, mildew, rot, or decay.

Compared to other materials, composites have a higher upfront price but are more affordable over time. They are easy to cut and fasten using the tools most homeowners have at their disposal. They are more durable than wood but not quite as strong.

You can purchase them with hidden fastener systems or cut them to your own design with a hand saw and jigsaw. They are a great option for people who want to create a custom deck.


Decking durability is a major factor that homeowners must consider when deciding which materials best suit their space. It depends on various factors, including a budget, climate and overall aesthetic, but if you choose the right material for your project, you should have no problems getting years of use out of it.

Durability is also an important consideration if you are considering modifications or additions. A deck board that becomes structurally unsound and unsafe should be replaced as soon as possible. A deck damaged due to rot, decay or other issues should also be replaced as soon as the problem is addressed.

Woods that are more resistant to rot and insects, like cedar and redwood, tend to last longer than those that don’t have the same protections. The part of the tree that the wood comes from can also influence a wood’s ability to resist rot and insects.

Plastic decking is a popular wood composite alternative that is easy to clean and maintain. This decking combines recycled plastic with wood fibres to create a composite that resists rot and requires no staining or sealing.

PVC, a synthetic option, is another popular choice that is durable and easy to maintain. It is also fire-resistant, so it is a safe choice for areas with high temperatures. It’s also a great option for decking that pets and children will frequent. Lastly, aluminium is an excellent choice if you need a lightweight material that can handle any weather. It is resistant to rust and won’t fade with the sun, but it is more expensive than other options.