Category: Medical News

Varicose Vein Treatment

Varicose veins are enlarged blood vessels near the surface of your skin that enlarge. If left untreated, varicose veins can lead to painful symptoms including pain, throbbing and itchy legs. Treatment options may also be necessary in cases involving complications like blood clots or skin ulcers.

Varicose vein treatment South Australia recommend altering your lifestyle to combat varicose veins, including wearing support socks or pantyhose and elevating legs while sitting or standing for prolonged periods.


varicose vein treatment South AustraliaVaricose veins are twisted, enlarged veins near the surface of skin. Most often seen on legs and ankles, they typically don’t cause serious health concerns. Sclerotherapy uses injections of chemical sclerosants to damage and scar the interior lining of affected veins to cause them to close up, improving cosmetic appearance while simultaneously relieving pain, swelling and itching. Most commonly performed in doctors offices or clinics; typically lasting 5-30 minutes for complete vein collapse; occasionally further treatments may be necessary to collapse it fully.

Sclerotherapy requires lying on your back with legs slightly raised. A health care provider then cleans the area before injecting a small needle filled with sclerosant into any affected veins. You may experience cramping, tingling or burning during this process and brown lines may appear where injection occurred for several days or weeks afterward; they should fade over time. Some individuals may have an adverse reaction to sclerosants.

Before receiving sclerotherapy treatment, inform your health care provider of any allergies you have as well as if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Also inform them if you take blood thinners such as aspirin as this could increase your risk of bleeding during and after the procedure and might necessitate wearing compression stockings post treatment.

Varicose vein treatment South Australia ‘s primary goals are to alleviate symptoms, enhance appearance and avoid serious complications like ulcers or sores on skin, deep vein thrombosis (blood clot in leg vein that travels to lung), skin discolorations and changes in color of the skin. You should call 9-1-1 immediately if experiencing severe pain or experiencing any signs that sclerotherapy could be an option, such as bleeding clots.

Avoid varicose veins by losing weight if you are overweight or obese, wearing looser clothing around your waist and groin, and not sitting for prolonged periods. Try exercising to strengthen calf muscles that aid blood flow through veins; and see your physician if compression stockings might help as well.

Radiofrequency ablation

Varicose vein ablation is another option for treating varicose veins. Your doctor uses radiofrequency energy to heat and scar the inside of the varicose vein, ultimately leading to its closure. This method can be used on small or large varicose veins; often used with sclerotherapy as part of combination treatments. You may require compression stockings or bandages afterward for prevention of swelling; prior to starting this procedure your doctor will ask about your medical history and medications such as aspirin or blood-thinning medications as some medications should not be taken several days beforehand –

Before performing the procedure, your doctor will numb the area with an anesthetic. They’ll use a catheter inserted into your varicose vein that’s heated by radiofrequency currents to destroy nerve fibers in it and stop pain signals being transmitted to your brain. As part of this procedure, you may feel mild warmth or tingling sensations but generally nothing else during this short process.

After your treatment, you will return home that same day. Compression stockings may need to be worn for several weeks afterward and it is advised that no driving or operating machinery be undertaken shortly afterwards; you may also require elevating your legs afterward in order to reduce bruising and swelling; in addition, your doctor will prescribe medication which must be taken daily prior to bathing or swimming for some days afterward.

If your varicose veins have become severe and painful, and do not respond to other treatments, your doctor may suggest surgery as a solution. Venous stripping surgery is one of the most frequently performed surgeries for varicose veins; during this procedure your doctor will make several tiny cuts in your skin near it before pulling out the vein with forceps. Another form of endoscopic vein surgery, known as endoscopic varicose vein treatment or EVLT involves inserting a thin tube equipped with a camera into each vein while another tube-mounted surgical device is used to close off any remaining veins that remain after traditional treatment options have failed.

Laser ablation

Varicose veins are swollen, twisted blood vessels that protrude just under the surface of your skin and often appear in legs, feet and ankles. While they can be painful or itchy at times, they also can contribute to other health concerns, including blood clots. Varicose vein treatment South Australia can relieve most symptoms of varicose veins at home with injections, laser therapy or surgery treatments available today.

Your veins carry blood from your body to your heart, with valves that open to allow blood through and close to prevent it from flowing back down your legs. Varicose veins form when these valves don’t function correctly, leading to veins becoming enlarged, blue- or purple-tinged and bumpy – also called varicosities – or developing into long thin lines known as spider veins nearer the surface of your skin.

Injections (sclerotherapy)

Varicose vein treatment South Australia provide a non-invasive solution for varicose and spider veins alike, using chemicals injected directly into them by a physician to damage their walls and cause closure; once closed, scar tissue forms, eventually dissolving away. This treatment method has become one of the most popular approaches used by both professionals and laypeople alike to remove varicose and spider veins.

Under endoscopic vein stripping, a physician inserts a small tube into a vein that has become damaged and uses laser light to heat its interior lining, ultimately closing off the vein. Alternately, they may damage its inside lining before surgically extracting it through endoscopic vein stripping.

Microphlebectomy may also be used by your surgeon to address smaller varicose veins that cannot be addressed with small incisions, making this less invasive method less effective than others.

Rarely, severe varicose veins can lead to pulmonary embolism – an emergency condition which is potentially life-threatening and causes chest pain, difficulty breathing, coughing up blood and fainting. Call 911 immediately if this happens, while compression stockings (most insurance plans cover them) may help prevent such events from occurring.

Endoscopic vein surgery

Varicose veins are twisted, enlarged blood vessels near the skin’s surface that may become painful over time and pose more serious health concerns. If you experience swollen legs as symptoms of varicose veins, see your physician immediately so treatment can prevent further progression of this condition.

Varicose vein treatment South Australia are generally covered by insurance; however, you must meet your insurer’s criteria in order to get one. In order to treat varicose veins successfully, doctors often suggest lifestyle modifications or medical procedures; an ultrasound test could also be ordered which uses sound waves to examine blood flow and check for potential blood clots.

Veins contain one-way valves designed to keep blood moving up your legs toward your heart. If the walls weaken, these valves may no longer function correctly and sluggish blood can collect in veins causing varicose veins which can lead to pain, itchiness and swelling.

Blood clots can also occur due to this condition and should be treated immediately as they can be dangerous. Signs and symptoms of a blood clot include painful and swollen legs as well as feeling as though your legs are heavy or full; depending on your specific circumstances, medicines might be prescribed in order to dislodge these clots and break up any existing ones.

Most varicose vein treatments take place at your doctor’s office. Compression stockings or socks may help stop veins from stretching; your physician could use laser to close off an affected varicose vein; or you might need an ambulatory phlebectomy procedure (pronounced fle-BEK-to-me) performed under general or local anesthesia to address nearby varicose veins.

Your doctor may numb the area around your vein where they intend to place a catheter, and use a Doppler ultrasound machine as part of the examination process. A Doppler ultrasound is an imaging test that uses sound waves to produce pictures of tissues within your body, so this procedure can show whether or not your varicose vein is healthy.